Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 39: Neutrino Physics IV
T 39.5: Talk
Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 17:15–17:30, VG 3.104
MMC Design and Microfabrication for the ECHo Experiment — •Lorenzo Calza — Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany — ECHo Collaboration
The ECHo experiment is conceived to determine the electron neutrino mass through the analysis of the endpoint region of a high statistics and high energy resolution 163Ho spectrum. During the ECHo-100k phase more than 1012 163Ho decays will be detected by large metallic magnetic calorimeter arrays in which single pixels contain up to 10 Bq of 163Ho. To achieve this goal, about 104 MMC pixels will be operated simultaneously. A dedicated chip composed of 60 pixels and 2 temperature channels for gain correction has been designed. 40 chips are microfabricated on a 3” silicon wafer. The design and fabrication steps have been optimised for 163Ho implantation on wafer-scale. We describe the single pixel optimisation for minimal heat capacity and close to 100% quantum efficiency for all decay products besides the electron neutrino, as well as the final chip design. We also present the lithographic microfabrication process and the quality control procedures. We discuss the fabrication yield and the reproducibility of detector parameters. To meet the required pixel count for ECHo-100k, 6 wafers are currently being produced.
Keywords: Metallic Magnetic Calorimeter; Microfabrication; Low Temperature Detectors; Neutrino Mass