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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 4: Detectors I (Scintillators)
T 4.2: Vortrag
Montag, 31. März 2025, 17:00–17:15, VG 0.110
Time resolution of a wavelength-shifting fibre structured plastic scintillator detector — Alessia Brignoli1, Andrew Picot Conaboy1, Valery Dormenev2, Christian Dreisbach3, Karl Eichhorn3, Jan Friedrich3, Heiko Markus Lacker1, Martin J. Losekamm3, Anupama Reghunath1, Christian Scharf1, Ben Skodda1, Anubandh Sreekeessoon1, Valerian von Nicolai1, Jasmin Weiß1, •Ida Wöstheinrich1, and Hans-Georg Zaunick2 — 1Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin — 2Justus- Liebig-Universität Gießen — 3Technische Universität München
The CheapCal project aims to create a cost-effective, position-sensitive sampling calorimeter using extruded plastic scintillators. The prototype detector consists of a (25 × 25 × 0.7) cm3 scintillator plate with 32 wavelength-shifting (WLS) fibers embedded in perpendicular grooves on its front and back surfaces. Silicon photomultipliers read out the WLS fibers on both ends. Due to the scintillator’s short light attenuation length, photons generated in the scintillator by charged-particle hits are collected primarily by the fibers closest to the particle hit.
We will present the timing measurement results obtained in the lab using a radioactive Sr-90 source and Kuraray Y-11 fibers with charge-sensitive pre-amplifiers. Combining the timing information from the closest fibers to the source position, we achieved a timing resolution below 750 ps(standard deviation). We are performing additional studies on improving time resolution using alternative WLS fibers such as Kuraray YS-2 and alternative pre-amplifiers optimized for time resolution.
Keywords: Calorimeters; CheapCal; Time resolution