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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 40: Methods in Particle Physics II (Misc.)
T 40.5: Vortrag
Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 17:15–17:30, VG 4.101
Background Studies for the ILD Detector Concept at the FCC-ee — •Victor Schwan1, Jenny List2, and Daniel Jeans3 — 1DESY, Universität Hamburg — 2DESY — 3KEK, Japan
The ILD detector concept has originally been developed for the International Linear Collider (ILC). Detailed simulations gauged against the performance of prototype components have shown that ILD in its ILC incarnation is ideally suited to pursue the physics program of a linear Higgs factory as well as of a higher energy e+e− collider. Recently, the ILD collaboration has started to investigate how the detector concept would need to be modified in order to operate successfully in the experimental environment of a circular Higgs factory like for instance FCCee. In particular, the interaction region, or machine-detector interface (MDI), requires substantial changes to make room for accelerator elements and to withstand backgrounds. This contribution presents the assessment of the occupancy caused by machine backgrounds in the modified detector design, especially in the tracking subdetector systems.
Keywords: ILD; ILC; FCC-ee; Machine-Detector Interface (MDI); Machine-Background