Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 44: Searches/BSM III (Long-lived, Misc.)
T 44.1: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 16:15–16:30, ZHG010
Probing Delayed Jets with Dedicated Long-Lived-Particle Triggers at ATLAS — •Tobias Stephan Heintz1,2, Gareth Bird2, Oleg Brandt2, and Christopher Lester2 — 1Kirchhoff Insitute for Physics, Heidelberg, Germany — 2Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Delayed energy deposits are a compelling signature in searches for long-lived particles (LLPs) at the LHC. This talk will present an analysis strategy to search jets that arrive at the ATLAS calorimeter with a significant time delay of up to 35 ns.
These delayed signals can serve as benchmarks for exploring a hidden sector beyond the Standard Model. For instance, long-lived dark matter particles may travel slowly due to a mass hierarchy in the production mechanism pp → scalar particle → LLPs, leading to delayed signals in the ATLAS detector. In extreme cases, LLPs with velocities below β ∼ 0.1 could reach the calorimeter even in the subsequent bunch crossing (BC).
Conventional triggers are inefficient for such events, but ATLAS has implemented a dedicated LLP trigger at the hardware level. This trigger specifically examines two consecutive BCs for signatures of missing transverse energy in BC N−1 followed by a delayed jet in BC N. This talk will discuss the motivation, implementation, and potential of this trigger in uncovering new physics at the LHC in Run-3.
Keywords: ATLAS; Long-lived particles; Dark Matter; L1Calo