
Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 46: Higgs Physics VI (top-Higgs Coupling)

Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 16:15–18:15, ZHG105

16:15 T 46.1 Significance Studies in the Dileptonic ttH(bb) Channel Using Run 3 CMS Simulation — •Philipp Nattland, Danyer Perez Adan, Kai Adamowicz, Lutz Feld, Valeria Botta, Kilian Krasenbrink, Matin Torkian, and Maria Aldaya Martin
16:30 T 46.2 Preliminary Studies of the ttH(bb) Process in the Dileptonic Channel with SPANet, using CMS Run3 data — •Matin Torkian, Maria Aldaya martin, Dina Leyva Pernia, and Henriette Petersen
16:45 T 46.3 Kinematic reconstruction of ttH (Hbb) events in semileptonic tt final states using Run 2 CMS Simulation — •Kai Adamowicz, Lutz Feld, Danyer Perez Adan, Valeria Botta, and Philipp Nattland
17:00 T 46.4 Analysis of tH(bb) production with ATLAS Run-2 dataAndre Sopczak and •Roman Tomchik
17:15 T 46.5 ttH analysis with two light leptons and one hadronically decaying tau lepton with Run-2 ATLAS data — •Alina Haitota and Andre Sopczak
17:30 T 46.6 Associated production of a Higgs boson and a single top quark from t-channel production (tHq) in channels with hadronically decaying tau leptons at ATLAS — •Florian Kirfel and Ian C. Brock
17:45 T 46.7 Higgs boson mass reconstruction in the analysis of tH(ττ) production with ATLAS Run-2 data — •Jiri Javora and Andre Sopczak
18:00 T 46.8 Application of the JAX-based Statistical Tool Evermore to a CMS Higgs AnalysisPeter Fackeldey, •Felix Zinn, Benjamin Fischer, and Martin Erdmann
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen