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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 48: Silicon Detectors V (R&D, Simulation)

Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 16:15–18:45, VG 0.111

16:15 T 48.1 Design and Production of Pixel Strip Modules for the P2 Tracking Detector — •Lucas Sebastian Binn for the P2 collaboration
16:30 T 48.2 Validation of TCAD simulations of the edge of planar silicon sensors to understand breakdown — •Christian Scharf, Peilin Li, Heiko Lacker, Ingo Bloch, Ilona Stefana Ninca, and Ben Brüers
16:45 T 48.3 Open-Source Simulation of Semiconductor Detectors using SolidStateDetectors.jl — •Felix Hagemann, Julian Henzler, Benedikt Nagler, Ariana Pearson, and Oliver Schulz
17:00 T 48.4 Resistive Silicon Detector R&D for Future Detectors — •Ling Leander Grimm, Alexander Dierlamm, Umut Elicabuk, Ulrich Husemann, Markus Klute, and Brendan Regnery
17:15 T 48.5 Measurements on the bPOL48V DC-DC Converter for a Future Particle ColliderLutz Feld, Katja Klein, Martin Lipinski, Alexander Pauls, and •Joëlle Savelberg
17:30 T 48.6 Characterisation and Simulation of stitched CMOS Strip Sensors — •Naomi Davis for the CMOS Strips Collaboration collaboration
17:45 T 48.7 A novel Low Gain Avalanche Diode design: MARTHA — •Constanze Wais, Alexander Bähr, J. Damore, Erika Garutti, Christian Koffmane, Jelena Ninkovic, Rainer Richter, Gerhard Schaller, Florian Schopper, Jörn Schwandt, Johannes Treis, and Annika Vauth
18:00 T 48.8 Exploring the potential of 4H-SiC diodes: Electrical properties and electron-hole pair creation energy — •Silas Müller, Pascal Wolf, Patrick Ahlburg, Grégory Grosset, Tomasz Hemperek, and Jochen Dingfelder
18:15 T 48.9 Wafer-to-wafer bonded hybrid pixel detectors for high energy physics and medical applicationsFabian Hügging, Kevin Kröninger, Maximilian Mucha, •Janna Vischer, and Jens Weingarten
18:30 T 48.10 Test beam analysis of irradiated, passive CMOS strip sensors — •Fabian Lex for the CMOS Strips Collaboration collaboration
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen