Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 5: Silicon Detectors I (ATLAS + CMS)
T 5.3: Vortrag
Montag, 31. März 2025, 17:15–17:30, VG 0.111
Thermal qualification of the silicon detector modules for the Phase-2 upgrade of the CMS Outer Tracker — •Niyathikrishna Meenamthuruthil Radhakrishnan, Alexander Dierlamm, Ulrich Husemann, Markus Klute, Stefan Maier, Lea Stockmaier, Tobias Barvich, and Bernd Berger — Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germnay
The LHC is about to enter its high-luminosity era in 2029. In order to prepare the particle detectors to deal with the high particle rate and radiation damage, the detector components must be upgraded. One upgrade project is the replacement of the tracking system of the CMS detector. The new Outer Tracker will consist of two types of silicon sensor modules: 5592 PS modules which are made of one pixel sensor and one strip sensor and 7608 2S modules with two strip sensors.
Production and testing of these modules are carried out at 10 sites and one of the centers producing the 2S modules is KIT. In the tracker, these modules will be operated with a coolant temperature of around -35. It must be verified that the modules can function flawlessly at this temperature prior to installation in the detector. In order to do that, modules are placed inside a thermally insulated box with active cooling, called burn-in station, to perform temperature cycles and expose the modules to thermal stress for up to 48 hours. The electrical functionality of the modules is monitored during this period.
The talk will give a summary of the current status of the burn-in station at KIT and present the thermal qualification of the station as well as results with the first production modules.
Keywords: CMS; Phase-2 Outer Tracker; Silicon Strip Detectors; Thermal Stress; Noise