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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 52: Flavour Physics III
T 52.3: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 16:45–17:00, VG 1.104
The Anatomy of K+ → π+ ν ν distributions — •Kai Henryk Sieja1, Emmanuel Stamou1, Mustafa Tabet1, Martin Gorbahn1,2, and Ulserik Moldanazarova2,3 — 1TU Dortmund University, Germany — 2University of Liverpool, United Kingdom — 3Karaganda Buketov University, Kazakhstan
The rare decays K+ → π+ ν ν and KL → π0 ν ν are among the strongest probes of Beyond-the-Standard-Model dynamics with new sources of quark-flavour violation. These decays are thus the main target for the dedicated experiments NA62 and KOTO, with new data published in 2024 by NA62. Different New Physics scenarios can have an distinctive effect on the NA62 distributions. We analyze the impact of lepton-number violating or conserving dimension-six operators on the experimentally accessible distributions within the LEFT framework. Concrete New Physics models can induce operators with different chirality, i.e., vector-, scalar, tensor-type operators, and different neutrino flavour structure. Using all published data from NA62, we assess the impact of a combined binned likelihood analysis in constraining the New Physics parameter space and how this varies for different operator types, as well as the competitiveness of correlated constraints within SMEFT.
Keywords: Kaon; Neutrino; Rare Decays; NA62