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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 55: Data, AI, Computing, Electronics VI (DAQ and Trigger)

Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 16:15–18:30, VG 2.102

16:15 T 55.1 Development of an FPGA-based DAQ system for the OBELIX sensor for the Belle II VTX upgrade — •Tobias Blesgen, Maximilian Babeluk, Christian Bespin, Jochen Dingfelder, Hans Krüger, and Alexander Walsemann
16:30 T 55.2 The XENONnT Data Acquisition System — •Robin Glade-Beucke for the XENON collaboration
16:45 T 55.3 On-Board Data Processing for a Mission to Study the Antiproton Content in Earth's Radiation Belts — •Peter Hinderberger, Martin J. Losekamm, Luise Meyer-Hetling, and Stephan Paul
17:00 T 55.4 Constellation - a flexible DAQ and control system for test beam environments — •Stephan Lachnit and Simon Spannagel
17:15 T 55.5 Development and Tests of Python-based Control Software for a EUDET-type Beam Telescope at the ELSA Test Beam Area — •Rasmus Partzsch, Christian Bespin, Yannick Dieter, Jochen Dingfelder, Fabian Hügging, and Lars Schall
17:30 T 55.6 Compact converters for fast frame rate detectors — •Kennedy Caisley, Hans Krüger, Bart Dierickx, and Jochen Dingfelder
17:45 T 55.7 A parametrised Kalman filter for the GPU-based first level trigger of the upgraded LHCb experimentMichel De Cian, Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer, and •Lennart Uecker
18:00 T 55.8 Reconstruction of photon conversion in rare decays — •Bernd Mumme
18:15 T 55.9 Development of an automated pixel monitoring websiteArnulf Quadt, Marcello Bindi, and •Tim Schlömer
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen