
Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 57: Gamma Astronomy I

Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 16:15–18:15, VG 3.101

16:15 T 57.1 MAGIC Moments from more than 20 Years of Operation — •Daniela Dorner and MAGIC Collaboration
16:30 T 57.2 Longterm Variability Study of the Crab Nebula with the MAGIC TelescopesFelix Wersig and •Cyrus Walther
16:45 T 57.3 Consistent long-term analysis of VHE blazars using autoMAGIC — •Cyrus Walther and Felix Wersig
17:00 T 57.4 Revealing FACTs about the Harder-when-Brighter Behaviour of Mrk 421 in an Unbiased Long-Term Study — •Daniela Dorner, Bernd Schleicher, and FACT Collaboration
17:15 T 57.5 Towards Searching for Photons with Energies beyond the PeV Range from Galactic PeVatrons — •Chiara Papior, Marcus Niechciol, and Markus Risse
17:30 T 57.6 Enabling ground-based one giga electronvolt gamma ray astronomy — •Sebastian Achim Mueller
17:45 T 57.7 Bayesian approach to signal estimation in gamma-ray astronomy with Gammapy — •Matheus Genaro Dantas Xavier, Rodrigo Guedes Lang, Tim Unbehaun, and Stefan Funk
18:00 T 57.8 Impact of the three-dimensional Galactic gas distribution on the modeling of the diffuse gamma-ray flux* — •Yannick Schmidt, Julien Dörner, Jonas Hellrung, and Julia Becker Tjus
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen