
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 6: Silicon Detectors II (Belle II, Tristan)

T 6.1: Talk

Monday, March 31, 2025, 16:45–17:00, VG 1.101

Performance study of the proposed Belle II vertex detector upgrade — •Lukas Herzberg1, Benjamin Schwenker1, Thibaud Humier1,2, and Ariane Frey11Georg August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen — 2DESY, Hamburg

The proposed Belle II vertex detector upgrade intends to replace the current vertex detector (VXD), consisting of pixel and strip subdetectors with a unified silicon pixel detector (VTX). This upgrade is scheduled to take place during long shutdown 2 in 2032. The main purpose of the vertex detector in Belle II is to improve the analyses of time dependent CP violation. To quantify the impact of the upgrade on performance, we investigated three variables.
The effective flavor tagging efficiency is a measure of how good the detector can differentiate between B0 and B0 which directly affects the statistical power of any CP violation analyses in the B0 system. The reconstruction efficiency is the fraction of correctly reconstructed events. The vertex resolution is the accuracy of the decay positions. It is measured separately for the two B mesons in the event. These three performance variables can be measured in simulation for both the VXD and the VTX. Finally a fit of the unitary triangle parameter β was performed as an example of a full time dependent CP violation analyses.

Keywords: Belle II; Silicon Detectors; B Physics; CP Violation

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