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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 6: Silicon Detectors II (Belle II, Tristan)
T 6.5: Vortrag
Montag, 31. März 2025, 17:45–18:00, VG 1.101
Towards Sterile Neutrino Detection: TRISTAN Detector Characterization with a UV-Light-Induced Electron Source — •Daniela Spreng for the KATRIN collaboration — TUM School of Natural Sciences - Physics Department, Garching, Germany
The search for keV-scale sterile neutrinos, a potential dark matter candidate, is a major goal in neutrino physics. These neutrinos, if they exist, create subtle distortions in the beta-decay spectrum due to their mixing with active flavors. The KATRIN experiment aims to detect these effects using TRISTAN, a modular multi-pixel silicon drift detector.
This talk focuses on the operation of three TRISTAN detector modules integrated into a KATRIN-like setup. We present characterization measurements of the detector's electron response, emphasizing tests with a UV-light-induced electron source. This partial implementation is a crucial step toward validating the system's performance and readiness to detect sterile neutrino signatures.
This work is supported by the Helmholtz Association and by the Ministry for Education and Research BMBF (grant numbers 05A23PMA, 05A23PX2, 05A23VK2 and 05A23WO6).