
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 60: Gravitational Waves

T 60.7: Talk

Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 17:45–18:00, VG 3.104

Testing noise mitigation techniques for future gravitational wave detectorsMarkus Bachlechner, •Tim Johannes Kuhlbusch, and Achim Stahl — III. Physikalisches Institut B, RWTH Aachen

Future gravitational wave (GW) detectors like the Einstein Telescope aim to decrease the detector noise to measure weaker signals and to increase the precision of measurements. To measure the minuscule length changes induced by GWs, extremely low vibration levels for the test masses are required. New noise sources become relevant in reducing the residual vibrations of the detector test masses. Gravitational couplings from surrounding vibrating material, called gravity gradient noise, can not be shielded. Therefore, predicting the coupled noise from inertial sensors is essential to reduce the impact in the 1 to 10 Hertz range.

Wiener filters are a simple and robust approach to predicting coupled noise. However, the classic Wiener filter can not adapt to variations in the amplitude of the coupled noise. As variations in the amplitude over time are expected for the ambient noise sources in GW detectors, an adaptive filter is required for optimal performance. This talk will discuss adaptive filtering options including modifications to Wiener filters and neural networks. An evaluation on data from a small-scale interferometer will be presented.

Keywords: Einstein Telescope; Gravitational wave; Noise mitigation; Newtonian noise; Wiener filter

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