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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 61: Methods in Particle Physics III (Tracking)
T 61.6: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 17:30–17:45, VG 4.101
Online Track Reconstruction for the Mu3e Experiment — •Haris Avudaiyappan Murugan — Institute of Nuclear Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany
The Mu3e experiment aims to find or exclude the lepton flavour violating decay of a positive muon to two positrons and an electron with a branching fraction sensitivity of 10−16. To observe such a rare event, we require a tracking detector from custom-designed High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) together with timing detectors made from scintillating fibre and tiles for the experiment. The detector will be streaming up to 1 TBit/s of data to the filter farm composed of graphics processing units (GPUs), in which the data rate is reduced to less than 100 MB/s and this filtered data is stored for later analysis. This reduction can be achieved by selecting potential signal events with two positrons and one electron originating from a single vertex through online track and vertex reconstruction on the GPU. The misalignment of the thin pixel tracking detectors can affect the precision of track reconstruction. Track-based alignment algorithm requires constraints from global parameters of the actual position of the pixels which can be measured using a camera alignment system. By calibrating the track reconstruction and histogramming the momentum of tracks on the GPU, the searches can be extended to observe potential two-body decays of the muon.
Keywords: Online Track Reconstruction with GPUs; Track Fitting; Mu3e Experiment; GPU; Calibration