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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 61: Methods in Particle Physics III (Tracking)
T 61.8: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 18:00–18:15, VG 4.101
The Resolution Study of the New Scintillating Fiber Tracker of the LHCb Detector — •Ya Zhao — Physics Institute, Heidelberg University, Germany
The LHCb experiment started data-taking in 2022 with the upgraded tracking system including Vertex Locator(Velo), Upstream Tracker(UT) and Scintillating Fiber Tracker(SciFi). The hit resolution of SciFi is an essential part of its performance. An analysis of SciFi hit resolution was performed using 2024 dataset with latest alignment condition. The strategy to calculate hit resolution and the relationships between hit resolution and SciFi layers, track momentum, track slopes will be presented. The results of hit resolution measurement will provide SciFi hit errors for Kalman Filter to improve tracking performance. The long track momentum resolution is a key metric to evaluate the performance of the tracking system of LHCb. It can be estimated from the mass resolution of reconstructed Jpsi2mumu candidates. The approach and result of long track momentum resolution using 2024 dataset will be presented.
Keywords: LHCb; SciFi; Hit resolution; Momentum resolution; Performance