
Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 65: Invited Topical Talks IV

T 65.2: Invited Topical Talk

Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 14:15–14:45, ZHG010

14 years of coordinated outreach for particle physics: methods, impact and prospects — •Saskia Plura1, Uta Bilow2, Michael Kobel2, Achim Denig1, Heike Vormstein1, and Mirco Christmann1 for the Netzwerk Teilchenwelt collaboration — 1Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz — 2TU Dresden, Dresden

The outreach program "Netzwerk Teilchenwelt" was created in 2010 as a means of opening the LHC and its data for public engagement with science, ranging from analysis of original data to research participation in high school theses. Now, 14 years later, the network has expanded to more than 30 institutions with more than 200 scientists participating and includes now also hadron, nuclear and astroparticle physics.

The impact of a coordinated, large scale outreach program is profound: by focusing mostly on high school students and teachers, "Netzwerk Teilchenwelt" has managed to bridge the gap between scientists and schools. A three step program for students provides guidance and fosters interest, while the consecutive "Fellows" program allows for direct connection between researchers and university students. Alongside these programmes, a multitude of events for the general public help push particle physics into view.

The efforts of the community have shown to have long-term effects. This talk provides insights into the methods and the achievements of "Netzwerk Teilchenwelt" as a coordinated outreach program and its future prospects.

Keywords: Outreach; Particle Physics; Netzwerk Teilchenwelt

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen