Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 66: Searches/BSM IV (BSM with Tops, LQs)
T 66.4: Talk
Thursday, April 3, 2025, 17:00–17:15, ZHG010
Search for resonant Leptoquark production using Run 2 pp collision data of the ATLAS experiment — •Christopher Engel, Adrian Alvarez, and Stefan Tapprogge — Institute for Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
A Leptoquark is a hypothetical particle that couples to both leptons and quarks and carries both lepton and quark quantum numbers. Leptoquarks are are predicted by many extensions of the Standard Model, including Grand Unified Theories, and might explain similarities between the lepton and the quark generations. One way of searching for such a particle would be to look for the production of a single Leptoquark in proton-proton collisions caused by the interaction of a lepton and a quark coming from the inner structure of protons.
This talk focuses on this resonant production of a single Leptoquark decaying into an electron and a b-quark, which results in an electron+b-jet signal in the detector. This resonant structure in the invariant mass distribution of the electron and b-jet system could be identified on top of a smoothly falling background. One of the main goals of this contribution is the presentation of the background processes, the required cut optimization and the expected exclusion limits based on the Run 2 ATLAS data with 140 fb−1.
Keywords: Leptoquark; ATLAS; LHC