Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 67: Higgs Physics VII (HH and Trilinear Coupling)
T 67.10: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 18:30–18:45, ZHG104
Renormalisation scheme dependence of the trilinear Higgs coupling in extended scalar sectors — •Marc Hannig1, Marco Menen1,2, Elina Fuchs1,2,3, Henning Bahl4, Georg Weiglein3,5, and Johannes Braathen3 — 1Institut für Theoretische Physik, Leibniz Universität Hannover — 2Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig — 3Deutsches Elektronen- Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg — 4Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Heidelberg — 5II. Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Hamburg
The trilinear Higgs coupling λhhh of the detected Higgs boson is a critical observable for understanding of the Higgs potential. With improving experimental bounds in the future, the theoretical predictions of this coupling for constraining BSM parameters become increasingly significant. Using the public code anyH3, this study investigates the numerical stability of different renormalization schemes for λhhh at one-loop level in extended scalar sectors. By comparing predictions of the coupling for various schemes, this study develops algorithmic criteria for switching between renormalisation schemes depending on the parameter region of the BSM model. This approach ensures numerically stable and reliable predictions for the trilinear Higgs coupling.
Keywords: Higgs; Renormalisation; Trilinear coupling; BSM models; Self coupling