
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 67: Higgs Physics VII (HH and Trilinear Coupling)

Thursday, April 3, 2025, 16:15–18:45, ZHG104

16:15 T 67.1 Search for non-resonant Higgs boson pair production in dilepton final states of the bbWW decay mode at CMS — •Lara Markus, Matteo Bonanomi, Mathis Frahm, Johannes Haller, and Matthias Schröder
16:30 T 67.2 Search for Boosted Higgs Pair Production From Vector Boson Fusion in the Single Lepton bbW+W Final State Using the ATLAS Detector — •Lars Linden, Valerio d’Amico, Celine Stauch, Stefanie Götz, Bao Tai Le, Tim Rexrodt, and Otmar Biebel
16:45 T 67.3 Efficiency measurements of di-lepton triggers in a search for di-Higgs production in CMS data — •Balduin Letzer, Lukas Ebeling, Mathis Frahm, Johannes Haller, Karla Kleinbölting, Finn Labe, Artur Lobanov, and Matthias Schröder
17:00 T 67.4 Higgs self-coupling measurement at the ILC — •Bryan Bliewert, Julie Munch Torndal, and Jenny List
17:15 T 67.5 Top-Yukawa-induced corrections to Higgs pair productionArunima Bhattacharya, Francisco Campanario, •Sauro Carlotti, Jamie Chang, Javier Mazzitelli, Milada Margarete Mühlleitner, Jonathan Ronca, and Michael Spira
17:30 T 67.6 Quark-initiated Double Higgs Production at one loop — •Philipp Rendler
17:45 T 67.7 Double Higgs production in vector boson fusion at NLO QCD with anomalous couplings — •Jens Braun, Pia Bredt, Gudrun Heinrich, and Marius Höfer
18:00 T 67.8 γγ bb in a variable flavor number scheme — •Orcun Kolay, Stefan Höche, and Frank Siegert
18:15 T 67.9 Comparison between off-shell and on-shell sensitivity to trilinear Higgs couplings at future colliders based on EFTs and models with an extended Higgs sectorHenning Bahl, Philip Bechtle, Johannes Braathen, Klaus Desch, Christian Grefe, Sven Heinemeyer, Jenny List, •Murillo Vellasco, and Georg Weiglein
18:30 T 67.10 Renormalisation scheme dependence of the trilinear Higgs coupling in extended scalar sectors — •Marc Hannig, Marco Menen, Elina Fuchs, Henning Bahl, Georg Weiglein, and Johannes Braathen
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