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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 68: Higgs Physics VIII (CP)

Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 16:15–18:30, ZHG105

16:15 T 68.1 Measurement of CP-properties of the top Yukawa coupling via ttH and tH production in the H→γγ decay channel at CMSJohannes Erdmann and •Florian Mausolf
16:30 T 68.2 Machine Learning for Top-Associated Higgs Production: Probing CP Structure with Neural Simulation-Based Inference — •Stefan Katsarov, Stephen Jiggins, and Judith Katzy
16:45 T 68.3 Test of CP invariance in Higgs boson production via vector boson fusion exploiting the H→τhadτhad decay mode — •Daniel Bahner, Lorenzo Rossini, and Markus Schumacher
17:00 T 68.4 Search for CP violation in the tau Yukawa coupling with CMS Run 3 data — •Mathilde Witt, Andrea Cardini, Elisabetta Gallo, Anne-Catherine Le Bihan, Océane Poncet, Alexei Raspereza, Gourab Saha, and Stepan Zakharov
17:15 T 68.5 Construction and investigation of optimal observables for testing CP invariance in the decay H →τ+ τ at the LHC — •Yann Stoll, Heidi Rzehak, and Markus Schumacher
17:30 T 68.6 Measurements of H → ττ properties at FCC-ee — •Sofia Giappichini, Jan Kieseler, Markus Klute, Matteo Presilla, Aaron Wiedl, and Xunwu Zuo
17:45 T 68.7 Probing CP violation in the top-Yukawa coupling at future colliders — •Vincent Riechers, Marco Menen, Elina Fuchs, and Henning Bahl
18:00 T 68.8 Symbolic Regression for Higgs CP analyses — •Marco Menen, Henning Bahl, Elina Fuchs, and Tilman Plehn
18:15 T 68.9 CP violation in Standard Model extensions with a Higgs singletGreta Bösinger, •Lana Dambacher, and Heidi Rzehak
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen