Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 69: Strong Interaction / QCD
T 69.6: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 17:30–17:45, VG 0.110
Λ0/KS0 production cross-section ratio at LHCb in Run 3 — Johannes Albrecht1, •Noah Behling1, Lukas Calefice2, Biljana Mitreska1, and Titus Mombächer3 — 1TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany — 2Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain — 3CERN
Hadron production ratios are a useful probe to test and improve hadronisation models. In this work, the production ratio of KS0 and Λ0 is studied with Run 3 proton-proton collision data from the upgraded LHCb experiment. These studies are also essential to calibrate and validate the performance of the upgraded detector. The proper operation of all subsystems must be ensured step-by-step to carry out precise measurements with data recorded recently and in the future. The performance of the tracking system can be evaluated with the measured ratio.
Meson-to-baryon ratios and strangeness production also contribute to the understanding of hadronic processes in cosmic-ray-induced extensive air showers, which are dominated by soft-QCD effects in the forward region. In air-shower data, an excess of muons produced with respect to Monte Carlo event generators has been observed, which could originate from mismodelling of the hadronisation process. The LHCb experiment offers a unique environment to test hadronic models in the forward region.
The current status of the analysis and recent studies on detector performance will be presented. Additionally, the connection of collider experiments to air-shower measurements will be discussed.
Keywords: Soft QCD, Air showers, Muon Puzzle, LHCb Upgrade I