
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 70: Silicon Detectors VI (MAPS, Mighty Tracker)

T 70.5: Talk

Thursday, April 3, 2025, 17:15–17:30, VG 0.111

Timing studies of an HV-MAPS for LHCb Mighty Tracker — •Benedict Maisano, Lucas Dittmann, Ruben Kolb, Ulrich Uwer, and Sebastian Bachmann — Physikalisches Institut, Heidelberg, Germany

For the LHC Run 5 the LHCb experiment plans to increase the instantaneous luminosity significantly. As a consequence an upgrade of the experiments detectors is pursuit. A part of this proposed LHCb Upgrade II is to replace the inner regions of the scintillating fibre tracking system with pixel detectors, tackling the increased occupancies and radiation. For this Mighty Tracker, the high-voltage monolithic active pixel sensor MightyPix is currently developed and characterised. The MightyPix utilizes an amplifier and a comparator inside every pixel.

As future MightyPix designs are likely to utilize an NMOS comparator instead of the currently used CMOS versions, it is necessary to ensure that performance is uneffected by this change. For this purpose the performance of a MightyPix predecessor with NMOS comparator, the Run2020v1, is studied. The presentation will feature results of the timing measurements performed in both the lab and testbeam setup and compare them to the timing requirement of the Mighty Tracker.

Keywords: LHCb; HV-MAPS; pixel detector; MightyPix

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