Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 70: Silicon Detectors VI (MAPS, Mighty Tracker)
T 70.6: Talk
Thursday, April 3, 2025, 17:30–17:45, VG 0.111
Studies of the Depletion Region in irradiated HV-CMOS MAPS towards the LHCb Mighty-Tracker using TCT — •Niclas Sommerfeld, Klaas Padeken, Hannah Schmitz, and Sebastian Neubert — University of Bonn
With the high luminosity upgrade to the LHC during LS3 the instantaneous luminosity at the LHCb experiment will be eventually increased by more than a factor of 6 to 1.3 × 1034cm−2s−1 for Run 5. As a part of Upgrade II the downsteam tracker (Mighty-Tracker) is foreseen to be instrumented with 13m2 of HV-CMOS MAPS arround the beam pipe. This is intended to meet the increased requirements in terms of granularity and radiation tolerance imposed by the higher luminosity.
As a part of the ongoing efforts to develop the HV-CMOS MAPS foreseen for the Mighty-Tracker, the change of the depletion region in irradiated HV-CMOS MAPS is studied. The non trivial behavior – evolving from a large size monolithic senor – is investigated in several measurements with a focus on the transient-current-technique(TCT), using a TCT setup at CERN.
Keywords: Mighty Tracker; Large scale pixel detector; CMOS; Radiation tolerance; LHCb