Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 70: Silicon Detectors VI (MAPS, Mighty Tracker)
T 70.7: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 17:45–18:00, VG 0.111
Studies on the Radiation Tolerance of HV-CMOS MAPS for the LHCb Mighty-Tracker — •Hannah Schmitz, Klaas Padeken, Niclas Sommerfeld, and Sebastian Neubert — University of Bonn
By the start of Run 5 of the LHC the instantaneous luminosity at LHCb will increase from 2·1033 cm−2s−1 to 1.3·1034 cm−2s−1. Therefore, the overall tracking system has to be upgraded. The upgraded downstream tracker (Mighty-Tracker) is foreseen as a hybrid detector consisting of six layers of HV-CMOS MAPS with a total size of 13m2, covering the central part of the acceptance close to the beampipe, and scintillating fibers in the outer part.
HV-CMOS MAPS are chosen to fulfill the upcoming requirements: High granularity, power consumption ≤ 150mWcm−2, time resolution ≤ 3ns - required to operate the trigger-less 40MHz DAQ - and a high radiation level of 3·10141-MeVneqcm−2 (NIEL) and 25MRad (TID).
Performance studies of 180nm processed HV-CMOS MAPS with focus on the radiation tolerance, have been performed. Using a 14MeV proton beam at the Bonn cyclotron as well as an irradiation with x-rays, the impact of different types of radiation damages on the sensor have been investigated.
Both campaigns and the consequences induced by the radiation damage on the sensor operation with emphasis on the performance goals will be covered by this presentation.
Keywords: Mighty Tracker; Large scale pixel detector; CMOS; Radiation tolerance; LHCb