
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 71: Detectors VI (Gaseous Detectors)

T 71.6: Talk

Thursday, April 3, 2025, 17:30–17:45, VG 1.101

GridPix-based X-ray Polarimeter — •Vladislavs Plesanovs, Markus Gruber, Klaus Desch, and Jochen Kaminski — Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany

X-rays are a powerful tool for probing the elemental composition and electromagnetic properties of matter. By measuring X-ray emission spectrum, scientists can characterize the chemical compositions of test targets, while in astrophysics, X-ray polarization unveils the intricate magnetic structures of distant galaxies and nebulae. Several testbeam campaigns with GridPix-based detectors have demonstrated impressive capabilities in reconstructing X-ray polarization.
To push the limits of performance, we are developing a novel GridPix-based polarimeter. This gaseous detector integrates a Timepix3 ASIC readout, offering a zero-suppressed 40 Mhits s−1 readout rate with a 55 µm pixel pitch. 1 µm thick aluminum grid mounted on 50 µm high pilars, both deposited using photolithographic methods, define the amplification gap and ensure near-perfect alignment of grid holes and pixels - allowing for precise detection of individual primary electrons.
This work presents an overview of X-ray polarimetry and the GridPix detector’s production and operation. The main focus will be on the current status and development decisions of this project.

Keywords: Timepix3; In-grid; GridPix; Polarimetry; X-rays

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