T 71: Detectors VI (Gaseous Detectors)
Thursday, April 3, 2025, 16:15–18:15, VG 1.101
16:15 |
T 71.1 |
Results of an aging study for the graphite coating of thin-gap RPCs for the ATLAS phase 2 upgrade. — •Davide Costa, Francesco Fallavolita, Oliver Kortner, Hubert Kroha, and Giorgia Proto
16:30 |
T 71.2 |
Quality assurance and quality control of the production of thin-gap RPCs for the ATLAS phase 2 upgrade. — •Davide Costa, Francesco Fallavolita, Oliver Kortner, Hubert Kroha, Giorgia Proto, Pavel Maly, and Daniel Soyk
16:45 |
T 71.3 |
Effect of Different O2 and H2O Concentrations on MicroMegas Detector Performance in Ar-CO2 Gas Mixtures at Various Drift Volumes — •Burkhard Böhm and Raimund Ströhmer
17:00 |
T 71.4 |
Investigation of micro-pixel charge sharing Micromegas detectors — •Nirmal Mathew, Otmar Biebel, Valerio D'Amico, Stefanie Götz, Ralf Hertenberger, Eshita Kumar, Daniel Grewe, Nick Schneider, Chrysostomos Valderanis, and Fabian Vogel
17:15 |
T 71.5 |
GridPix Production: Latest Developments in Bonn — •Sabine Hartung, Yevgen Bilevych, Jochen Kaminski, and Klaus Desch
17:30 |
T 71.6 |
GridPix-based X-ray Polarimeter — •Vladislavs Plesanovs, Markus Gruber, Klaus Desch, and Jochen Kaminski
17:45 |
T 71.7 |
Negative Ion Gridpix based High resolution TPC (NIGHT) detector — •Saime Gürbüz, Thomas Block, Can Cihan Çetinkaya, Klaus Desch, Jan Glowacz, Jochen Kaminski, and Michael Vogt
18:00 |
T 71.8 |
BODELAIRE: A Time-Projection-Chamber for Neutron Science — •Thomas Block, Klaus Desch, Saime Gürbüz, Jochen Kaminski, Markus Köhli, Michael Lupberger, and Jan Glowacz