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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 72: Detectors VII (Calorimeters)
T 72.3: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 16:45–17:00, VG 1.102
CALO5D Calorimetry in five dimensions — Frank Simon1, •Melike Akbiyik1, Ulrich Einhaus1, Lucia Masetti2, Bohdan Dudar2, Roman Pöschl3, Xin XIA3, Katja Krüger Krüger4, and Vincent Boudry Boundry5 — 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe , Germany — 2Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany — 3IJCLab, Paris-Saclay, France — 4DESY,Hamburg,Germany — 5LLR, Palaiseau, France
This talk will present the collaborative research project CALO5D (Calorimetry in five dimensions) for future experiments in which a total of 4 universities (Hamburg (DESY), Karlsruhe (KIT), Mainz (JGU), Paris-Saclay (IJCLab), and Palaiseau( LLR) participate. The goal of the collaborative project is the further development of calorimeter concepts for future high-energy physics experiments, with an emphasis on meeting the requirements for future Higgs factory concepts.
CALO5D will combine detailed information on particle showers provided by imaging calorimeters (CALO) with precise time information at the cell level, in addition to space and local energy (5D). The exploitation of the information will be assisted by modern machine learning algorithm with the goal to improve the performance of energy reconstruction and particle flow algorithms. The capability of the tools will be demonstrated with performance studies on selected physics channels central to the physics case of future Higgs factories. The results of this project will have a fundamental impact on the design of the next generation high energy physics experiments.
Keywords: CALO5D