Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 72: Detectors VII (Calorimeters)
T 72.5: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 17:15–17:30, VG 1.102
High Granularity Noble Liquid Calorimetry for FCC — •Martina Koppitz1,2, Nikiforos Nikiforou2, and Arno Straessner1 — 1TU Dresden — 2CERN
Future high-energy collider experiments, such as the Future Circular Collider (FCC), demand advanced detector technologies to achieve their ambitious physics objectives. Spanning high-precision measurements around the Z-pole to direct Higgs production, the FCC's success relies on the performance of calorimeters, particularly highly-granular devices optimized for imaging and particle flow methods.
One of the proposed general-purpose detectors is Allegro (A Lepton coLlider Experiment with highly GRanular calorimetry Read-Out). Building on the proven advantages of noble liquid calorimetry, Allegro introduces a high-granularity ECAL design that incorporates multi-layer printed circuit boards (PCBs). This design features a sampling calorimeter comprising 1536 cylindrically stacked steel-clad lead or tungsten absorbers, with liquid argon or krypton serving as the active medium.
Simulations are underway to study and optimize the calorimeter's performance. Particular attention is being given to determining the optimal granularity for pi0 and photon identification, as well as developing methods to achieve the best pion rejection capabilities.
Keywords: Noble Liquid Calorimetry; Future Circular Collider; Pion Rejection; High Granularity