Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 73: Flavour Physics IV
T 73.3: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 16:45–17:00, VG 1.103
Entanglement studies with Belle Υ (5S) data — •Vanessa Geier — Max-Planck-Institute for Physics Garching
Compared to the Υ (4S) the Υ (5S) can decay in excited B0 giving rise to B0(*)/ B0(*) states with different quantum numbers. Directly after the decay of the Υ (5S) the B0(*)/ B0(*) pairs are supposed to be in the JPC= 1– state. After the transition of the excited state into the B0/ B0 state via photon emission, the B0/ B0 pairs are supposed to be in the states JPC= 1−+. Depending on the C parity the B0(*)/ B0(*) can be in a symmetric or antisymmetric wave function leading to different time evolutions of the entangled states. Possibly the gamma transition of the excited state can also disrupt the entanglement. We will study these effects using Υ (5S) data collected by the Belle experiment. The Analysis includes the reconstruction of the signal B0(*) mesons as well as the tag-side reconstruction through the decay chain B0 → D− (→ K+ π− π−) π+. In addition the resulting B0/ B0 mesons need to be separated with the help of Mbc and ΔE variables. Reconstruction and selection efficiencies will be studied with MC events. Then the time evolution of the B-mesons will be investigated to study possible (dis)entanglement properties of the produced B0/ B0 meson pairs.
Keywords: Belle; Belle II; Entanglement