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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 75: Neutrino Astronomy IV

T 75.1: Vortrag

Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 16:15–16:30, VG 1.105

Recent Developments in RNO-G — •Zeynep Su Selcuk1 and Anna Nelles1,21DESY, Platanenallee 6, 15738 Zeuthen — 2ECAP, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, 91058 Erlangen, Germany

Astrophysical neutrinos and their origins are the focus of the Radio Neutrino Observatory Greenland (RNO-G). Due to their electrically neutral nature and low cross-section, neutrinos from astronomical sources travel without being attenuated or deflected by electromagnetic fields. The observation of highly energetic neutrinos is particularly interesting since these can bring light to some of the most extreme objects in the Universe. Studying these neutrinos also provides the opportunity to test fundamental physics at energy scales far beyond those achievable by current particle accelerators. RNO-G is currently under construction and aims to become the world’s most sensitive ultra-high energy (E > 10 PeV) neutrino detector. It searches for radio signals emitted through the Askaryan mechanism after neutrinos interact with the dense Greenlandic ice sheet, which provides a large effective volume to compensate for the low neutrino flux. The ice sheet is transparent to radio emission and thanks to the large attenuation length of the radio waves, a large volume can be observed with a relatively low number of stations. RNO-G plans to cover an area of approximately 50 km2 with 35 stations and each station consists of 24 receiver antennas. 7 of these 35 stations are already operational. The data taken from these first 7 stations will help shape the future of the project. This talk gives an update on the latest developments in RNO-G.

Keywords: Neutrino; Radio; RNO-G

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen