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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 75: Neutrino Astronomy IV
T 75.4: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 17:00–17:15, VG 1.105
Improving Track Reconstruction with Direct Muon Signals in IceCube Upgrade Modules — •Simon Pick — Ruhr-Universität Bochum — DESY, Zeuthen
One of the main constraining factors in IceCube's ability to detect neutrino point sources is angular resolution. Muon track reconstruction is limited by the knowledge of the optical properties of ice and detector responses. With the addition of multi-PMT optical modules in the upcoming upgrade of the existing detector, new calibration methods will be possible.
A promising approach for an improved track reconstruction is the measurement of a direct muon signal in multiple PMTs of separate modules. This may present a technique to confine the muon track with unprecedented accuracy treating the PMTs as anchor points and thus, by using those tracks as calibration sources, enabling a general improvement for all reconstructed tracks. This talk discusses the feasibility of the idea and presents the progress of its investigation through laboratory measurements.
Keywords: IceCube Upgrade; Photomultiplier tubes; Muons; Scintillators; Track reconstruction