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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 76: Data, AI, Computing, Electronics VII (Generative AI, MC Generators)

Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 16:15–18:45, VG 2.101

16:15 T 76.1 Correcting the mis-modeling of photon energy deposits in the calorimeter using normalizing flows and flow matchingCaio Daumann, Johannes Erdmann, and •Lars Schiffeler
16:30 T 76.2 Belle II PXD background generation with diffusion models — •Fabio Novissimo, Nikolai Hartmann, and Thomas Kuhr
16:45 T 76.3 Study of deep generative models for the enhancement of simulated ATLAS datasetsBoris Flach, Andre Sopczak, and •Lukas Vicenik
17:00 T 76.4 PointL2LFlows: How to generate Hadronic showers in ECal and HCal with CNFs — •Thorsten Buss
17:15 T 76.5 Point-Clouds based Diffusion Model on Hadronic Showers — •Martina Mozzanica
17:30 T 76.6 Generative transformers for learning point-cloud simulationsJoschka Birk, Frank Gaede, Anna Hallin, Gregor Kasieczka, Martina Mozzanica, and •Henning Rose
17:45 T 76.7 AIDO - A Generalized Detector Optimization Framework using Surrogate Models — •Kylian Schmidt, Jan Kieseler, and Nikhil Krishna
18:00 T 76.8 Navigating Phase Space for Event Generation: interfacing Sherpa with BAT.jlCornelius Grunwald, Timo Janssen, Kevin Kröninger, •Salvatore La Cagnina, and Steffen Schumann
18:15 T 76.9 Geant4 Optimizations in ATLAS — •Mustafa Schmidt für die Mu2e Kollaboration
18:30 T 76.10 Exploring tomorrow's Monte-Carlo generators: MC Validation in ATLAS with PAVER — •Johanna Kraus, Anna Bingham, Frank Ellinghaus, Dominic Hirschbühl, and Mustafa Schmidt
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen