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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 77: Data, AI, Computing, Electronics VIII (Fast ML, Triggers)
T 77.6: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 17:30–17:45, VG 2.102
Development of machine-learning based topological triggers for the CMS Level-1 trigger — •Karla Kleinbölting, Lukas Ebeling, Johannes Haller, Finn Jonathan Labe, Balduin Letzer, Artur Lobanov, Lara Markus, and Matthias Schröder — Institut für Experimentalphyisk, Universität Hamburg
At the CMS experiment, the Level-1 (L1) trigger system is pivotal in thereal-timeselectionofphysicseventsofinterest. Thistalkhighlights recent advancements in enhancing the L1 trigger performance through the integration of machine learning (ML) techniques. Using di-Higgs production as a benchmark process, the proposed ML-based trigger leverages full event topologies instead of individual object-based trig- gers. This approach allows the trigger system to identify and retain events in previously inaccessible low pT regions while maintaining ac- ceptable rates. The ML algorithms can be seamlessly integrated into the FPGA-based electronics of the trigger system using frameworks such as hls4ml.
Keywords: Level-1 trigger; Machine Learning; di-Higgs; Topological algorithms