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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 7: Detectors II (Gaseous Detectors)

Montag, 31. März 2025, 16:45–18:00, VG 1.102

16:45 T 7.1 Development of a 3D read-out scheme for drift-tube chambersDavide Cieri, Francesco Fallavolita, Oliver Kortner, Sandra Kortner, Hubert Kroha, •Nick Meier, Giorgia Proto, and Elena Voevodina
17:00 T 7.2 Small-Diameter Muon Drift Tube Detector Chambers for the ATLAS Phase-II Upgrade: Performance Testing and Certification with New Readout — •Bastian Wesely, Fan Zhou, Oliver Kortner, Hubert Kroha, Nick Kube, Nick Meier, and Elena Voevodina
17:15 T 7.3 Quality Control Framework for the CMS Drift Tube Electronics UpgradeDmitry Eliseev, •Nils Esper, Thomas Hebbeker, Kerstin Hoepfner, Markus Merschmeyer, Carsten Presser, and Alexander Schmidt
17:30 T 7.4 Upgrade of the MDT Front-end Electronics of the LMU Cosmic Ray Facility — •Eshita Kumar, Otmar Biebel, Valerio D'Amico, Stefanie Götz, Daniel Grewe, Ralf Hertenberger, Nirmal Mathew, Nick Schneider, Chrysostomos Valderanis, and Fabian Vogel
17:45 T 7.5 Development and Implementation of a new Trigger System in the LMU Cosmic Ray Facility for Level-0 MDT Trigger Processor Testing — •Nick Schneider, Otmar Biebel, Valerio D'Amico, Stefanie Götz, Ralf Hertenberger, Eshita Kumar, Chrysostomos Valderanis, Fabian Vogel, Daniel Grewe, and Nirmal Mathew
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen