
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 81: Neutrino Physics VI

T 81.4: Talk

Thursday, April 3, 2025, 17:00–17:15, VG 3.103

LiquidO: Simulations for Cloud Detector — •Susanna Wakely for the CLOUD collaboration — Johannes Gutenberg University

LiquidO is an innovative technology that uses opaque liquid scintillators for particle detection. A LiquidO scintillator combines a short scattering length and a long absorption length to stochastically confine optical photons close to their creation point. A fine array of wavelength-shifting fibres collects and transports the scintillation light for readout by SiPMs. A LiquidO detector will have unprecedented position resolution compared to current transparent scintillators and be capable of particle identification via event topology. LiquidO prototypes have demonstrated proof of principle of stochastic light confinement.

The Cloud collaboration is designing a 5-10 ton LiquidO anti-neutrino detector. This will be an above-ground ultra-near reactor neutrino detector located in the Chooz nuclear power plant, in France.

This talk will discuss simulations of the inner detector, including particle identification via event topology and fibre array design. Two broad fibre array designs are considered: z-parallel and stereo. A z-parallel fibre array can achieve mm-scale resolution in x and y, with z-position obtained at lower resolution from signal timing differences. A stereo fibre array would produce the same x and y resolution while improving the z resolution but presents challenges for detector construction and signal reconstruction.

Keywords: Detector design; Reactor neutrinos; Opaque liquid scintillator; Particle identification; Simulation

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