
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 81: Neutrino Physics VI

T 81.7: Talk

Thursday, April 3, 2025, 17:45–18:00, VG 3.103

Status of the Super-SANDI deployment — •Philipp Kern, Amala Augusthy, Noah Goehlke, David Maksimociv, Johann Martyn, Daniel Schmid, Michael Wurm, and Dorina Zundel for the ANNIE collaboration — Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz

The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) is a Cherenkov neutrino detector at the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermilab. To also allow measurements with scintillation light a water based scintillator (WbLS) is installed inside the detector in a 366 litre large vessel (SANDI). The advantage of WbLS in the detector is that it is possible to extract the energy of the neutrinos with the scintillation light as well as the trajectory of it with the Cherenkov cone. To allow us to observe the full potential of the water based scintillator by a full reconstruction of extendet neutrino event vertices, a larger vessel made out of nylon holding 8000 litres of WbLS will be deployed in 2026. To be able to deploy this vessel, Super-SANDI into ANNIE it has to be inflatable to be able to fill out the whole volume of the detector. We will present you the current status of the development of this vessel, which has unique challenges because of its size and the properties of the WbLS.

I would like to thank the DFG and the Graduate School - Particle Detectors for their funding.

Keywords: Water-based Liquid Scintillator; ANNIE; Cherenov Detection; Scintillation

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