Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 82: Neutrino Physics VII
T 82.2: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 16:30–16:45, VG 3.104
Source Calibration of the OSIRIS Radiopurity Monitor for JUNO — •Rosmarie Wirth1, Daniel Bick1, Caren Hagner1, Mikhail Smirnov1, Milo Charavet1, and Tobias Sterr2 — 1Universitaet Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland — 2Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Physikalisches Institut
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) features a 20-kiloton liquid scintillator (LS) detector currently under construction in Jiangmen, China. Its primary scientific goal is to determine the neutrino mass ordering with a confidence level of 3 σ within the first six years of data taking. This will be achieved by observing the oscillation spectrum of reactor anti-neutrinos at a baseline of ∼53 km. To effectively distinguish between normal and inverted ordering, the detector requires an energy resolution of 3 % at 1 MeV, high optical coverage, and low background levels, demanding high purity liquid scintillator.
To monitor scintillator quality during the filling of JUNO, the Online Scintillator Internal Radioactivity Investigation System (OSIRIS) has been developed. OSIRIS is a 18-ton cylindrical LS detector that assesses the radio-purity of the provided scintillator through Bismuth-Polonium coincidence signals. For calibration, an Automatic Calibration Unit (ACU) from the Daya Bay experiment is implemented, allowing to submerge different sources in the scintillator, providing calibration points for energy and vertex reconstruction, as well as for the timing and charge calibration of the photomultiplier tubes (PMTs).
This presentation covers the current status of the calibration of OSIRIS using the ACU.
Keywords: radiopurity; liquid scintillator; JUNO; calibration; OSIRIS