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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 83: Methods in Particle Physics IV (Lepton Reconstruction)
T 83.6: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 17:30–17:45, VG 4.101
Measurement of Tau Identification Scale Factors in the W → τν Channel Using LHC Run 3 Data — •Luka Vomberg, Christian Grefe, Philip Bechtle, and Klaus Desch — Physikalisches Institut Bonn
Measurement of Tau Identification Scale Factors in the W → τν Channel Using LHC Run 3 Data
Scale factors are necessary to calibrate the selection efficiency for the identification of hadronic tau-lepton decays in simulation to the observed efficiencies in data. These factors are determined for all ATLAS analyses in dedicated tag-and-probe studies.
A measurement of tau identification (ID) scale factors using 2022 data from LHC Run 3 is presented, focusing on the W → τν channel. This channel offers a higher transverse momentum reach than Z→ ττ or tt due to the W-boson recoiling from a jet, and allows tight missing energy cuts because of the neutrino in the final state. The primary challenge is the large dijet QCD background, addressed using the data-driven ABCD method.
The entire measurement workflow is implemented with Snakemake, providing a novel and systematic solution to ensure easy reproducibility and interoperability - an essential but often overlooked aspect of such measurements. Additionally, new strategies for improving fake tau estimation are proposed to enhance the measurement’s precision and reliability.
Keywords: Tau; Scale Factors; Workflow; Snakemake; tauID