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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 83: Methods in Particle Physics IV (Lepton Reconstruction)

Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 16:15–18:45, VG 4.101

16:15 T 83.1 Electron Reconstruction Efficiencies in Run 2 and Run 3 at ATLAS — •Marius Melcher, Asma Hadef, and Arno Straessner
16:30 T 83.2 Likelihood Tuning for LHC Run 3 — •Max Fusté Costa, Martina Laura Ojeda, and Sarah Heim
16:45 T 83.3 Photon identification at the CMS experiment using particle flow candidates and individual calorimeter energy deposits — •Caio Daumann and Johannes Erdmann
17:00 T 83.4 Measurement of photon identification efficiency with the inclusive photon method using 2022 CMS dataJohannes Erdmann, •Nitish Kumar, and Jan Lukas Späh
17:15 T 83.5 Determination of Universal Tau Fake Factors for the Run 3 Data Taking Period of ATLAS — •Christian Schmidt, Arno Straessner, and Asma Hadef
17:30 T 83.6 Measurement of Tau Identification Scale Factors in the W → τν Channel Using LHC Run 3 Data — •Luka Vomberg, Christian Grefe, Philip Bechtle, and Klaus Desch
17:45 T 83.7 Inference of the Neutral Four-Momentum of Hadronic τ-Leptons using Neural Networks in ATLAS — •Simon Thiele, Lukas Cieslik, Christian Grefe, Alessandra Betti, Philip Bechtle, and Klaus Desch
18:00 T 83.8 Muon Momentum Scale and Resolution Calibration for CMS — •Dorian Guthmann, Markus Klute, and Jost von den Driesch
18:15 T 83.9 Reconstruction of Stand-Alone Muons in Run 3 of ATLAS — •Celine Stauch, Otmar Biebel, Valerio D'Amico, Stefanie Götz, Lars Linden, Bao Tai Le, Tim Rexrodt, and Giorgia Proto
18:30 T 83.10 Estimation of Non-Prompt Lepton Backgrounds with Classical and Machine Learning TechniquesKorn Steffen, Quadt Arnulf, and •Schiel Nico
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen