Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 9: Flavour Physics I
T 9.3: Talk
Monday, March 31, 2025, 17:15–17:30, VG 1.104
Study of B → D(*) π ℓ ν decays — Florian Bernlochner, Markus Prim, Valerio Bertacchi, and •Nada Gharbi — Physikalisches Institut der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
The excited states of charmed D mesons beyond the 1S ground state are not well explored and entails a lot of puzzles. One such puzzle arises from the observation that the masses of the D0*(2300) and Ds0*(2317) mesons, as reported by the Particle Data Group, are nearly equal: MD0*(2300) ≃ MDs0*(2317). This mass similarity contradicts expectations from SU(3) flavor symmetry breaking, which should account for the strangeness of the Ds0*(2317). Beyond the quark model, these excited charmed mesons can be interpreted as hadronic molecules. Using unitarized chiral perturbation theory (UChPT), it has been theoretically shown that the true SU(3) flavour partner of the Ds0*(2317) is the D0*(2100), resolving this mass discrepancy and providing a compelling explanation for the observed phenomena and other puzzles. To investigate this theory, we analyse Belle II data focusing on the invariant mass spectrum of the D(*) π system from the decay B → D(*) π ℓ ν. By extracting the S-wave contribution in this spectrum, one can make a comparison between the Belle II data and the UChPT predictions. A deeper understanding of the B → D** ℓ ν decays could significantly reduce the systematic uncertainties in the measurement of R(D()), a key observable that points to possible deviations from the Standard Model.
Keywords: Semi-Leptonic; Belle II; D**; B -> D pi l nu