Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 90: Silicon Detectors VII (ATLAS + CMS phase-2)
T 90.4: Vortrag
Freitag, 4. April 2025, 09:45–10:00, VG 0.111
Thermal Integration Test with 2S Module Prototypes for the Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Outer Tracker — •Lea Stockmeier1, Alexander Dierlamm1, Ulrich Husemann1, Stefan Maier1, and Cristiano Turrioni2 — 1Institute of Experimental Particle Physics (ETP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) — 2National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), Perugia Unit
To deal with the increased luminosity of the HL-LHC, the CMS experiment will be upgraded until 2029. During this Phase-2 Upgrade, the CMS Outer Tracker will be equipped with modules each assembled with two silicon sensors. Depending on the position in the tracker, these silicon sensors are pixel or strip sensors. The modules with two strip sensors are called 2S modules. In the barrel region, they are placed on mechanical structures called ladders. A fully equipped ladder contains twelve modules.
During the prototyping phase of the modules, integration tests are performed with the purpose of testing the integration procedure itself as well as the module functionality on the final detector structures. Investigations focus on the cooling performance as well as on electrical performance of the modules on the supporting structures.
This talk summarizes an integration test with twelve 2S modules on a ladder performed at CERN in cooperation with other CMS working groups. The test focuses on thermal aspects of the performance of a 2S module built with sensors irradiated with protons to the expected lifetime fluence.
Keywords: CMS Phase-2 Outer Tracker; thermal runaway; ladder integration; cold test