Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 92: Detectors VIII (Gaseous Detectors)
T 92.2: Talk
Friday, April 4, 2025, 09:15–09:30, VG 1.102
Development of a novel GEM based neutron detector with VMM readout — •Jan Glowacz1, Thomas Block1, Klaus Desch1, Saime Gürbuz1, Jochen Kaminski1, Markus Köhli2, and Michael Lupberger1 — 1University of Bonn — 2Heidelberg University
For the neutron science community the increase in price for Helium-3 has sparked the interest in detectors based upon solid neutron converters like Boron or Gadolinum. The boron based multi stage tracking detector (BASTARD) is a neutron detector, with a focus on high spatial resolution and high readout rates. It consists of a multi layer gaseous detector chamber with boron coated cathodes for neutron conversion. The boron captures the neutrons and decays into helium and lithium ions. The ions are detected with a high position resolution. The readout allows for rates of up to 10 Mhz and is realized with VMM3a hybrids via the RD51 Scalable Readout System. A prototype detector with an active area of 10cm x 10cm is being assembled. We plan to present our first experiences with it.
Keywords: gaseous detectors; vmm readout; neutron detectors