
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 93: Top Physics IV (Misc.)

T 93.2: Talk

Friday, April 4, 2025, 09:15–09:30, VG 1.103

Measurement perspectives of the top-antitop energy asymmetry in the production with an additional jet in the resolved topology with ATLAS — •Jessica Höfner, Annika Stein, Frederic Fischer, and Lucia Masetti — University Mainz, Insitute for physics

The top quark is the heaviest particle in the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics and the only quark which decays before hadronization can happen. The top quark is suitable for the search of physics beyond the SM of particle physics (BSM). There could be even heavier particles and they might become observable at higher center-of-mass energies, and the top quark could potentially interact with them. At the currently reachable center-of-mass energies, however, the impact of BSM physics might only be indirectly observable via the variation of properties of the production or decay of SM particles. In the production of a top-antitop pair with an additional jet at the LHC the energy asymmetry, complementary to the rapidity asymmetry, can be measured. The energy asymmetry is expected in the SM, but also sensitive to physics beyond the SM and therefore it is of high interest to measure this observable. After a first measurement of the energy asymmetry in the topology with a collimated hadronic top decay and a semileptonic decay with the ATLAS experiment, the future goal is to measure this observable in the full phase space. Therefore the event reconstruction in the resolved topology, in which the hadronic decaying top quark is reconstructed with several small-R jets, must be optimized. This presentation shows the current progress regarding this optimization.

Keywords: Top quarks; Energy asymmetry

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