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Dienstag, 11. März 2025

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Di, 09:00–09:45 Kurt-Alder HS Chemie PV III 09:00 None P QP a P 09:00 QP a
09:00 None P QP b P 09:00 QP b
Di, 09:45–10:30 Kurt-Alder HS Chemie PV IV 09:45 None P R a P 09:45 R a
09:45 None P R b P 09:45 R b
Di, 10:30–18:00 Foyer Physik S 3: Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature 10:30 None PP Q a PP 10:30 Q a
10:30 None PP Q b PP 10:30 Q b
Di, 11:00–12:30 Kurt-Alder HS Chemie SYMM 1: Mass Matters: Prospects of Bridging Nuclear Physics, Mass Spectrometry, and Astrophysics 11:00 None Q P a Q 11:00 P a
11:00 None Q P b Q 11:00 P b
Di, 12:30–13:10 HS 2 Physik MTI 1: Meet the Industry 12:30 None PPP P a PPP 12:30 P a
12:30 None PPP P b PPP 12:30 P b
Di, 13:00–14:00 HS 2 Chemie MS 3: Members’ Assembly 13:00 None RP QP a RP 13:00 QP a
13:00 None RP QP b RP 13:00 QP b
Di, 14:00–15:30 HS 1 Physik SYMM 2: Focus Session: Neutron capture reactions in the cosmos and the lab (joint session HK/SYMM) 14:00 None Q PP a Q 14:00 PP a
14:00 None Q PP b Q 14:00 PP b
Di, 14:00–15:30 HS 1 Physik HK 13: Focus Session I: Neutron capture reactions in the cosmos and the lab (joint session HK/SYMM) 14:00 None R TPP a R 14:00 TPP a
14:00 None R TPP b R 14:00 TPP b
Di, 14:00–15:30 HS 2 Physik HK 14: Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei V 14:00 None R TPPP a R 14:00 TPPP a
14:00 None R TPPP b R 14:00 TPPP b
Di, 14:00–15:30 HS 3 Physik HK 15: Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy I 14:00 None R TPPQ a R 14:00 TPPQ a
14:00 None R TPPQ b R 14:00 TPPQ b
Di, 14:00–15:30 HS 3 Chemie HK 16: Heavy-Ion Collisions and QCD Phases III 14:00 None R TPPQP a R 14:00 TPPQP a
14:00 None R TPPQP b R 14:00 TPPQP b
Di, 15:45–17:15 HS 2 Physik HK 17: Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei VI 15:45 None R TQ a R 15:45 TQ a
15:45 None R TQ b R 15:45 TQ b
Di, 15:45–17:15 HS 3 Physik HK 18: Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy II 15:45 None R TR a R 15:45 TR a
15:45 None R TR b R 15:45 TR b
Di, 15:45–17:15 HS 3 Chemie HK 19: Heavy-Ion Collisions and QCD Phases IV 15:45 None R U a R 15:45 U a
15:45 None R U b R 15:45 U b
Di, 15:45–17:15 SR Exp1A Chemie HK 20: Instrumentation V 15:45 None R UP a R 15:45 UP a
15:45 None R UP b R 15:45 UP b
Di, 15:45–17:15 SR Exp1B Chemie HK 21: Instrumentation VI 15:45 None R UQ a R 15:45 UQ a
15:45 None R UQ b R 15:45 UQ b
Di, 15:45–17:15 SR 0.03 Erw. Physik HK 22: Nuclear Astrophysics III 15:45 None R UQP a R 15:45 UQP a
15:45 None R UQP b R 15:45 UQP b
Di, 15:45–17:15 HS 2 Chemie MS 4: Application to Astrophysics 15:45 None RP QPP a RP 15:45 QPP a
15:45 None RP QPP b RP 15:45 QPP b
Di, 17:30–19:00 Foyer Physik HK 23: Poster 17:30 None R UQPP a R 17:30 UQPP a
17:30 None R UQPP b R 17:30 UQPP b
Di, 17:30–19:00 Foyer Physik MS 5: Poster 17:30 None RP QPPP a RP 17:30 QPPP a
17:30 None RP QPPP b RP 17:30 QPPP b
Di, 19:00–21:30 HS 2 Physik AKjDPG 2: Physicists Beyond Academia 19:00 None RPP PP a RPP 19:00 PP a
19:00 None RPP PP b RPP 19:00 PP b
Di, 21:30–00:00 Affenfelsen S 4: jDPG Pub Crawl 21:30 None PP R a PP 21:30 R a
21:30 None PP R b PP 21:30 R b
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Köln