Köln 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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HK: Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 1: Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei I
HK 1.5: Vortrag
Montag, 10. März 2025, 16:15–16:30, HS 2 Physik
Determination of the energy-resolvable E1- and M1-strength distribution in 70Zn — •J. Hauf1, V. Werner1, A. D. Ayangeakaa2,3, D. Balabanski4,5, M. Beuschlein1, R. Beyer6, S. W. Finch2,7, A. Gupta1, D. Gribble2,3, T. Hensel6, M. Heumüller1, F. E. Idoku2,3, J. Isaak1, X. James2,3, R. V. F. Janssens2,3, S. R. Johnson2,3, A. Junghans6, J. Kleemann1, P. Koseoglou1, T. Kowalewski2,3, A. Kusoglu4, J. Lu1, E. Masha6, C. M. Nickel1, O. Papst1, M. Pichotta6, N. Pietralla1, K. Prifti1, K. Römer6, A. Saracino2,3, P.-A. Söderström4, K. Schmidt6, R. Schwengner6, A. Thees6, S. Turkat6, J. Vogel1, A. Wagner6, and A. Yadev6 — 1TU Darmstadt, IKP — 2TUNL — 3University of North Carolina — 4ELI-NP — 5Horia Hulubei National Institute — 6Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf — 7Duke University
Nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments with bremsstrahlung and quasi-monoenergetic photon beams have been conducted on 70Zn at γELBE and HIγS. The investigation of the most neutron-rich stable zinc isotope aims to achieve a better understanding of nuclear structure phenomena, such as shape coexistence and the Pygmy dipole resonance, at the N=40 harmonic oscillator shell closure. The status of the analysis, including spectra and preliminary results for the E1- and M1-strength distributions, are shown and discussed.
This work is supported by DFG under Project-IDs 499256822*GRK 2891, 279384907*SFB 1245 and by ELI-RO under ELI-RO/RDI/2024 002 and ELI-RO/RDI/2024 007.
Keywords: Nuclear resonance fluorescence; Model independent; Shape coexistence; Pygmy dipole resonance; Nuclear structure