Köln 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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HK: Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 14: Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei V
HK 14.5: Vortrag
Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 15:15–15:30, HS 2 Physik
Basis optimization for in-medium similarity renormalization group calculations — •Max Cincar1,2, Takayuki Miyagi1,2,3,4, and Achim Schwenk1,2,3 — 1Technische Universität Darmstadt, Department of Physics — 2ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH — 3Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg — 4Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba 305-8577, Japan
Advances in nuclear many-body methods have enabled the calculation of nuclei up to the lead region. Optimization of the underlying single-particle basis enables the calculation of nuclear observables in smaller model spaces reducing the required computational cost. We explore calculations using natural orbitals constructed from perturbatively improved density matrices. Ground- and excited-state energies of nuclei are obtained using the valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group. The convergence behavior of ground-state and excitation energies is investigated for different truncation schemes of nuclear Hamiltonians.
* Funded by the ERC Grant Agreement No. 101020842.
Keywords: nuclear structure; natural orbitals; basis optimization; imsrg; many-body