
Köln 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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HK: Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne

HK 23: Poster

Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 17:30–19:00, Foyer Physik

17:30 HK 23.1 The effects of gamma irradiation on some properties of CR-39 detectors — •Kahalil Thabayneh and Marwa Shoeib for the PANDA collaboration
17:30 HK 23.2 Charge-changing cross sections of oxygen isotopes for biomedical applicationsDaria Kostyleva and •Alexander Vitantzakis for the Super-FRS Experiment collaboration
17:30 HK 23.3 Exploring Few-Body Systems, Nucleon Structure, and More with MAGIX at MESA — •Sören Schlimme for the MAGIX collaboration
17:30 HK 23.4 Lifetime measurements in 96Zr using the Coincidence Doppler-Shift Attenuation Method — •Elias Binger, Anna Bohn, Sarah Prill, Tobias Langel, Michael Weinert, and Andreas Zilges
17:30 HK 23.5 Lifetime measurements of 98Ru using the Reverse Coincidence Doppler-Shift Attenuation Method — •Tobias Langel, Elias Binger, Anna Bohn, Sarah Prill, Michael Weinert, and Andreas Zilges
17:30 HK 23.6 Amplitude Measurements with ALICE ITS3 MAPS Detectors — •Henrik Fribert, Berkin Ulukutlu, Roman Gernhäuser, and Laura Fabbietti for the ALICE Germany collaboration
17:30 HK 23.7 Investigation of the internal conversion lifetime of 229mTh on various metallic surfaces — •Daniel Moritz, Georg Holthoff, Kevin Scharl, Tamila Teschler, Markus Wiesinger, and Peter G. Thirolf
17:30 HK 23.8 Lifetime measurements of excited states in 101Pd — •Sven Wagner, Maximilian Droste, Peter Reiter, Casper-David Lakenbrink, Christoph Fransen, and Franziskus von Spee
17:30 HK 23.9 Automated Signal-to-Noise Ratio Optimizations for the ToASt-based Silicon-Strip-Detectors of the PANDA MVD — •Raphael Ratz, Kai-Thomas Brinkmann, Marvin Peter, Nils Tröll, Hans-Georg Zaunick, Giovanni Mazza, Michele Caselle, and Daniela Calvo for the PANDA collaboration
17:30 HK 23.10 Simulation Studies with the digital calorimeter EPICAL-2. — •Jan Schöngarth
17:30 HK 23.11 The MAGIX spectrometer setup — •David Markus for the MAGIX collaboration
17:30 HK 23.12 Accelerating Femtoscopic Studies with Machine Learning for Source Function Modeling — •Carla Zeyn
  17:30 HK 23.13 The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:30 HK 23.14 SONIC@HORUS - A setup for particle-gamma-coincidence measurements at the Cologne Tandem accelerator — •Henrik Boras, Elias Binger, Anna Bohn, Tobias Langel, Markus Müllenmeister, Sarah Prill, Michael Weinert, and Andreas Zilges
17:30 HK 23.15 ALPACA: A novel setup for enhanced angular and particle coincidence measurements — •Leonardo Berisha, Christian Diefenbach, Markus Müllenmeister, Michael Weinert, and Andreas Zilges
17:30 HK 23.16 Verifying the NeuLAND Calibration Algorithm via the Simulation of the Cosmic Radiation. — •Paula Ulrich, Yanzhao Wang, and Andreas Zilges
17:30 HK 23.17 Assessing Ge-Detector Efficiency in Cylindrical Geometries Using GEANT4: Correlation with Radioactive Surface Standard Measurements — •Diandra Richter, Jonny Birkhan, and Norbert Pietralla
17:30 HK 23.18 Lifetime measurements of excited states in 99Pd using the recoil-distance Doppler-shift method — •Ramona Burggraf, Peter Reiter, Andrey Blazhev, Maximilian Droste, Arwin Esmaylzadeh, Christoph Fransen, Jan Jolie, Hannah Kleis, Casper-David Lakenbrink, Mario Ley, Franziskus Spee, and Michael Weinert
17:30 HK 23.19 Cooling studies for the ALICE3 Outer Tracker barrel layers — •Lena Kirchner for the ALICE Germany collaboration
17:30 HK 23.20 Direct-Photon-Jet Correlations in Pythia Simulations for ALICE — •Julius Kinner
17:30 HK 23.21 Investigating anisotropic flow in Run 3 Pb-Pb collisions at ALICE — •Luca Italiano for the ALICE Germany collaboration
17:30 HK 23.22 GEM production and quality assurance at the FTD in Bonn — •Shania Müller, Tim Schüttler, Markus Ball, Yevgen Bilevych, Philip Hauer, Dimitri Schaab, and Bernhard Ketzer
17:30 HK 23.23 Hypertriton three-body decay reconstruction with ALICE at the LHC — •Carolina Reetz for the ALICE Germany collaboration
17:30 HK 23.24 Exploring the particle emission source in proton-proton collisions via collective expansion — •Sebastian Wind
17:30 HK 23.25 Investigation of strange dibaryons in the weak non-leptonic decay topologies with ALICE — •Zhanna Khuranova for the ALICE Germany collaboration
17:30 HK 23.26 Recomission of a conversion electron spectrometer with stacked Si pad detectors — •Matthias Kilb, Han-Bum Rhee, Steffen Meyer, Ilja Homm, and Thorsten Kröll
17:30 HK 23.27 Neural network approach for energy estimation of the digital calorimeter EPICAL-2. — •Jan Scharf
17:30 HK 23.28 Measurement of the particle emitting source in pp collisions at 13.6 TeV using p-Λ correlations with ALICE — •Jaime Gonzalez for the ALICE Germany collaboration
17:30 HK 23.29 HI-TREX: Compact, high resolution particle detection system for ISOLDERoman Gernhäuser, •Sergei Golenev, and Robert Neagu for the MINIBALL collaboration
17:30 HK 23.30 New PIXE in-air setup at the 10 MV FN-Tandem accelerator — •Ilias Alexandridis, Markus Schiffer, and Dennis Mücher
17:30 HK 23.31 A simulation-based feasibility study of the measurement of KL0 in ALICE — •Laura Gans-Bartl for the ALICE Germany collaboration
17:30 HK 23.32 Analysis of the Composition of the Beam from a Penning Ion Source at COALA — •Daniela Tandara, Kristian König, Imke Lopp, and Wilfried Nörtershäuser
17:30 HK 23.33 Triples extension to Bogoliubov Coupled Cluster theory — •Urban Vernik, Pepijn Demol, Alexander Tichai, and Thomas Duguet
17:30 HK 23.34 Upgrade of a general-purpose data logging system for detector laboratories — •Benedikt Ferdinand Peter, Philip Hauer, and Bernhard Ketzer
17:30 HK 23.35 Proton Emission in Ag+Ag Collisions at 1.23 AGeV measured at HADES — •Elisabeth van Engelen for the HADES collaboration
17:30 HK 23.36 Large-Scale XYZ Digital Microscope — •Konstantin Münning, Philip Hauer, Jonathan Kunecke, Jan Paschek, Benedikt Peter, and Bernhard Ketzer
17:30 HK 23.37 K0s production in p+p collisions at 4.5 GeV beam energy with the HADES experiment — •Chris Takatsch for the HADES collaboration
17:30 HK 23.38 The FRS Virtual Messhütte — •Nicolas Hubbard for the Super-FRS Experiment collaboration
17:30 HK 23.39 Energy loss and stopping power of alpha particles in graphenic carbon and areal density measurements — •Konstantina Botsiou for the Super-FRS Experiment collaboration
17:30 HK 23.40 Measurement of Energy Loss in the Silicon Tracking System of the CBM experiment and potential for PID — •David Gutierrez Menendez for the CBM collaboration
17:30 HK 23.41 A side access system to the KATRIN beamline — •Kyrill Blümer, Christian Gönner, Kevin Gauda, Volker Hannen, Hans-Werner Ortjohann, Sonja Schneidewind, Leo Weßeler, and Christian Weinheimer for the KATRIN collaboration
17:30 HK 23.42 "LowRad"-project: Background Reduction for next generation Dark Matter experiments — •Hannah Ginkel, Lutz Althüser, Robert Braun, Volker Hannen, Christian Huhmann, David Koke, Philipp Schulte, Patrick Alexander Unkhoff, Daniel Wenz, and Christian Weinheimer
17:30 HK 23.43 Charged kaon SIDIS with CLAS12 — •Áron Kripkó, Stefan Diehl, and Kai-Thomas Brinkmann
17:30 HK 23.44 Development of a gas system for the Transition Radiation Detector of the CBM experiment — •Nikolai Podgornov, James Ritman, Peter Wintz, and Felix Fidorra for the CBM collaboration
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Köln