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HK: Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 41: Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy V
HK 41.3: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 14:30–14:45, HS 3 Physik
Search for Λb0 / Ξb0 → Λ Λ p Ds+ with the LHCb experiment — •Ellinor Eckstein — Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik (HISKP) Bonn
One of the most prominent questions in particle physics over the past decades is the nature of dark matter (DM). The sexaquark (S), a tightly bound state of uuddss valence quark content, is a candidate for hadronic DM, proposed first by Glennys R. Farrar. The existence of such a state would furthermore have implications for the field of re- search regarding the substructure of exotic hadrons. At the LHCb experiment, the S, if it exists, is expected to occur in hadronic final states of b -baryon decays such as Λb0 / Ξb0 → S p Ds+. The decay Λb0 / Ξb0 → Λ Λ p Ds+, with the Λs escaping the detector, is one of the main backgrounds for S searches. At the same time, if the Λs can be reconstructed, it serves as a sensitivity check. With two long lived neutral particles in the final state and CKM suppression the first observation of this decay is a challenging task.
This talk will present the current status of the search for Λb0 / Ξb0 → Λ Λ p Ds+ in Run2 data of the LHCb experiment. Moreover, the potential of Run3 data, offering not only an increase in statistics, but a purely software based trigger with full track reconstruction in real time, resulting in an increase in trigger efficiency for hadronic decays, will be discussed.
Keywords: LHCb; Exotics