Köln 2025 – scientific programme
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HK: Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 48: Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei XI
HK 48.6: Talk
Thursday, March 13, 2025, 17:00–17:15, HS 2 Physik
First temperature-dependent relative self-absorption measurement at the S-DALINAC — •K. Prifti1, V. Werner1, N. Pietralla1, U. Ahmed1, M. Baumann1, M. Beuschlein1, J. Bormans1,2, I. Brandherm1, M. L. Cortes1, B. Götz1, A. Gupta1, J. Hauf1, B. Hesbacher1, M. Heumüller1, K. E. Ide1, J. Isaak1, I. Jurosevic1, J. Kleemann1, P. Koseoglou1, J. Lu1, H. Mayr1, A. R. Netto1, C. M. Nickel1, O. Papst1, T. Ramaker1, M. Rech1, D. M. Richter1, T. M. Sebe3,4, T. Stetz1, and R. Zidarova1 — 1IKP, TU Darmstadt — 2GSI, Darmstadt — 3ELI-NP, IFIN-HH, Romania — 4Politehnica Bucharest, Romania
The temperature-dependent relative self-absorption (TRSA) technique enables the disentanglement of the Doppler broadening contribution to the total width of the self-absorption line from that of the zero-point motion of atoms in the target material. The first TRSA measurement was conducted at the Darmstadt High-Intensity Photon Setup (DHIPS) at the superconducting Darmstadt linear electron accelerator (S-DALINAC) on the nucleus 27Al using a bremsstrahlung photon beam with an endpoint energy of 5.5 MeV. The present work aims at measuring the level width of the 3957 keV level with high precision and simultaneously determine the Debye temperature of the target material. Measurements were performed with and without the absorbing target at three different temperatures, 77 K, 320 K, and 600 K. The data, their analysis and first results will be presented and discussed. This work is supported by the DFG under Project-ID 279384907-SFB 1245 and Project-ID No. 499256822-GRK 2891 "Nuclear Photonics".
Keywords: Temperature-dependent relative self-absorption; Level width; Debye temperature; Bremsstrahlung