Köln 2025 – scientific programme
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HK: Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 58: Instrumentation XIII
HK 58.3: Talk
Thursday, March 13, 2025, 18:15–18:30, SR Exp1A Chemie
LGAD Technology for Precise Reaction Time Measurement in Heavy-Ion Experiments, Medical Applications and Detector Diagnostics — •Yevhen Kozymka3, Thomas Bergauer2, Tetyana Galatyuk1,3,4, Albert Hirtl5, Matthias Kausel5,6, Mladen Kis1, Barbara Knäusl7, Wilhelm Krüger3, Sergey Linev1, Jan Michel1, Jerzy Pietraszko1, Christian Joachim Schmidt1, Michael Träger1, Michael Traxler1, Felix Ulrich-Pur1, Matteo Centis Vignali8, and Ashish Bisht8 — 1GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH — 2Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of High Energy Physics — 3Technische Universität Darmstadt — 4Helmholtz Forschungsakademie Hessen für FAIR — 5TU Wien, Atominstitut — 6EBG MedAustron — 7Medical University of Vienna, Department of Radiation Oncology — 8Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Centre of Materials and Microsystems
The development of LGAD technology for charged particle detection is currently experiencing significant growth and demonstrating great performance in applications such as reaction time measurement, beam monitoring and ion CT thanks to its excellent timing properties. Preliminary measurements conducted with He and C ions have shown very promising results and great potential for heavy ion applications.
This presentation will focus on the results achieved using LGAD detectors for measuring the time-of-flight of protons as well as He and C ions conducted at the MedAustron institute, and will also showcase an example of using these sensors to diagnose radiation damage in a pcCVD diamond sensor.
Keywords: Low Gain Avalanche Diode; Ion Computed Tomography; Time-of-flight